3/7/2009 – At 1017hrs Station 81 was alerted for a motor vehicle accident on Sharptown Rd. 81 Command responded with 81-16 Jeff Hill and was advised a tractor and disc had run over a male subject. Command arrived on scene to find a male subject with injuries and the tractor had come to rest against the house on top of a 1000 gal. fuel tank. Rescue 81 with 81-25 Donnie Layton arrived and assisted with patient care and checked the tractor and fuel tank. 81-2 and 81-4 arrived and crews assisted with the fuel leaking from the tank. The male patient was taken to Christiana Hospital by Trooper 2. DNREC was notified and 83 alerted for a HAZ-MAT Trailer. Delaware Electric Co-Op was requested to disconnect the power to the residence. Carey’s towing was requested and 2 wreckers responded and lifted the tractor off the oil tank. The tank was then up righted and remaining oil pumped off. The scene was placed under control at 1059. Units remained on scene until 1223.
Units on scene 81 Command, Rescue 81, 81-2, 81-4, B-81, A-81, 81-8, 81 Fire Police, 83, DNERC, DEC, Trooper 2, DSP, Carey’s Towing.
Photos by Mark Sheridan
Story by Tim Walker