9/16/2009 – Incident 1: At 00:54 Wicomico Central alerted Station 74 (Delmar) to a MVC with Injuries on Jersey Rd., south of Adkins Rd. It was reported to be vehicle rollover. Wicomico County Sheriff’s deputies arrived to find a single patient. Situation was placed under control at 01:20.
Units Responding: Rescue 74, Engine 74-1, Command 74, Ambulance B-74, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Deputies
Incident 2: At 03:00 Wicomico Central alerted Station 74 (Delmar) to a MVC with Injuries on Ocean Hwy, just south of Chesnut St. Delmar PD was on location advising single car ran off the roadway. Delmar units arrived to find a one patient complaining of neck/back pain. Patient was treated and refused transport. Situation was placed under control at 03:13
Units Responding: Rescue 74, Command 74, Paramedic B-74, Delmar Police Department
Photographs by : Cliff Shockley