Working House Fire – Federalsburg, MD

11/6/2009 – At 0912hrs Caroline alerted stations 100 (Federalsburg) and 200 (Preston) for FireBox 1-1 at 313 Morris Ave for a reported working house fire. A-108 and Chief 1 (1-17 S. Cox) arrived on scene to heavy fire and smoke showing. Command requested second alarm bringing Dorchester stations 26(Eldorado), 6 (Hurlock) and Sussex 87(Seaford). Crew from E102 and A108 made a quick knock on the fire. E204 arrived and officer 2-17 (T.Plutschak) was assigned Operations. Additional engines arrived and manpower was assigned to overhaul. Command placed situation under control at 0951 and last units cleared 1042.

Units on Scene: A108, Chief 1, E102, T107, R100, E204, E201, E26-1, E6-2, TW6-1, CCEMS PM12, DCEMS PM600
Transfers: E87-9 @ 100, E6-1 @ 200

Photographs by : Billy Adkins

Author: Billy