10/4/2009 – At 8:40pm Wicomico Central alerted Station 3 (Fruitland) to a MVC with Injuries on the US13 South Bypass, just north of St. Lukes Rd. Exit. Paramedic A-3 arrived to find a single vehicle off the roadway into a wooded area. Rescue Engine 3-02 arrived, with Deputy Chief J. Shrieves in command. All occupants, including multiple pediatrics, had exited the vehicle. One child is believe to have a broken leg. He, along with at least one other patient were transported. Other patients were evaluated on scene. Situation was placed under control around 9:20pm.
Units on scene: Rescue Engine 302, Paramedic A-3, Ambulance B-3, Traffic Control 3, Maryland State Police.
Photographs by : Cliff Shockley