10/18/2009 – At approximately 1:40 AM Caroline dispatched Station 200 (Preston), Talbot County Station 60 (Easton) and Station 50 (Cordova) for a structure fire at 22350 Hog Creek Road.
Chief 2 (B. Milligan) responded and was advised the caller stated there was a odor of smoke in the residence but no flames were visible and they believed it was an electrical fire. Chief 2 arrived on location, Officer 215 (B. Milligan) reported smoke coming from the eaves and established “Hog Creek Road” command. Minutes later Engine 204 arrived as fire blew through the second floor windows. Crews quickly pulled hand lines and started an exterior attack. As additional equipment arrived hand lines were advanced inside and interior attacks were started. Command had Brush 66 establish a draft site in a pond a short distance down the road for a water shuttle.
Due to the location, gusty winds and heavy rain command requested a 2nd alarm be filled.
Units operated approximately 4 hours before clearing the scene. The cause of the fire is being investigated by the State Fire Marshall’s Office.
Units on scene: (Preston) Chief 2, Engine 204, Engine 201, Tanker 202, (Easton) Tanker 61, Engine 63, Engine 67, Brush 66, (Cordova) Engine 54, Tanker 53, (Federalsburg) Tower 1, Engine 102, Tanker 107, Rescue 100, (Hurlock) Engine 6-1, Talbot Co. Paramedic 96, and State Fire Marshall’s Office
Photographs by : Bruce Secrist