7/25/2010 – At 2:58pm Wicomico Central alerted Station 74 (Delmar), Station 14 (Sharptown) and Sussex Station 81 (Laurel) to a reported structure fire on White Deer Rd. northwest of Delmar. Sharptown crews could see a large column of heavy black smoke as soon as they pulled out of the firehouse and the call went out for additional tankers from Station 9 (Mardela Springs) and Station 5 (Hebron). They arrived to find a large farm equipment shed well involved and worked to contain the fire to the structure itself and not have it spread to the nearby woods. Temperatures were near 100 degrees at the time, and EMS crews from Delmar along with Sussex County EMS kept a close eye on personnel. Crews were provided water and sports drinks and cooled by hydrojet fans. It is believed at least one person was transported to PRMC. The structure was pulled apart and doused heavily with foam. The incident was cleared just in time for a thunderstorm approaching, about 2 hours after the initial alarm went out. Station 87 (Seaford) and Station 6 (Parsonsburg) provided standby crews. Please contact us with any additional information missed.