8/3/2008 – At 12:09 hours Wicomico Central alerted Station 6 (Parsonsburg) for a MVC with Injuries at the intersection of Hobbs Rd and Ocean Gateway (US50) Westbound. There were several conflicting calls as to number of vehicles and patients. A sherrif’s deputy arrived on scene confirmed 2-3 vehicles with 1-3 patients, at least one Priority 1. Lt. JT Tyler (6-20) immediately requested 2 additional medic units. Upon his arrival he found patients trapped in a Subaru Impreza, took command, and requested Rescue 16 to assist. Paramedic A6 arrived at 12:15, evaluated all patients, including the driver of a Jeep Wrangler also involved. Command was advised of 2 Priority 1 patients (one w/ hip fracture), plus a Priority 3 patient who is also pregnant. Deputy Chief 1 was assigned Operations, and one lane of 50 West was closed. Crews from Rescue Engine 6-04 and Rescue 16 removed the roof of the Subaru and patient was extricated and transported at 12:44. Scene was cleared at 13:02 hours.
Units Responding: Rescue Engine 6-04, Rescue 16, Utility 6, Traffic Control 6, Deputy Chief 1, Paramedic A6, Ambulance B6, Paramedic 1, Maryland State Police, and 3 x Wicomico County Sheriff Deputies.
Photographs by : Cliff Shockley