9/12/2010 – This morning Talbot County Station 20 (Oxford) hosted the county Tanker Task Force drill including tankers from Talbot, Caroline and Dorchester counties.
Brush 66 established a draft site at a pond on Country Club Road, where Tankers were filled and then shuttled the water to a wildlife pond on Spring Road for off loading. For the first hour Tankers dumped their loads into two 2500 gallon portable tanks, Engine 27 drafted from these tanks and then pumped to Engine 28 which discharged the water through a deck gun. The second hour Tankers pumped their loads into a 6000 gallon nurse tanker that pumped water to Engine 28 for discharge.
From the draft site to the dump site and back to the draft site was 6.8 miles and the average fill and dump off time was less then 3 minutes each.
Engine 28 was supplied with enough water to flow a continuous 800 gpm for 2 hours and 1000 gpm for approximately 30 minutes.
Units on scene: Chief 20, Tanker 20, Engine 27, Engine 28, Brush 26, Tanker 36, Tanker 44, Tanker 53, Tanker 61, Brush 66, Engine 67, Tanker 74, Tanker 86, Tanker 202, Tanker 406 and Tanker 31-1
Photographs by : Bruce Secrist